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July 13, 2020

Mounting NTFS drive (windows) in Linux

Mounting Windows drive can be hassle in Linux as windows now defaults to Hibernation rather than shutting down which will create corrupted NTFS for other OSes to boot from.
You might face errors such as:
> Can't mount, windows is hibernated
Or simply not being able to paste anything in the ntfs drive and reading it only.

to solve this boot into windows and save any unsaved files and while shutting down hold "Shift" button to force complete shutdown.

Then head over to your Linux Distro and make sure that you have ntfs-3g drivers installed. (usually they are default installed), unmount the windows partition then run this command:
sudo ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdxX /mount-point
Note: replace /dev/sdxX with the path to your windows partition. you can find this in gnome disks.

Note2: replace /mount-point to your default mount point, usually /mnt.

This will terminate the hibernation session. now you can access windows files in your mount point location. if you  can unmount it in  gnome disks again and remount it so you can access it from gnome files.
